Central Share Registry Pte Limited (CSRL) has signed up with Energy Fiji Limited (EFL) to provide share registry services for all EFL shareholders.
Do you have queries regarding the EFL share offer? Do you want to access the EFL Share Offer Document or download the Application Forms?


Welcome to Central Share Registry Website

Founded in August 2002, Central Share Registry Pte Limited (CSRL) is a fully owned subsidiary of the South Pacific Stock Exchange Pte Limited (SPX) and is the first central share registry to be established in Fiji.
CSRL underwent a rebranding exercise in 2016, which was formally launched in November 2016 with an aim to generate a brand which can represent its corporate identity, unify the core business activities and give various stakeholders including investors a consistent exposure as well as a user friendly access to the CSRL services. A rebranding was also necessary to reflect CSRL’s reliability in providing registry services on behalf of listed companies. The rebranding exercise included development of an independent website, corporate logo and development of a new, improved and a tailor-made online cloud-based share registry software (ShareSoft). ShareSoft was officially launched in Novemeber 2016.
Currently, CSRL provides registry services to 19 out of 20 listed securities as well as 3 unlisted companies.




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Shop 1 and 11, Sabrina Building, Victoria Parade, Suva. Mailing  Address: GPO Box 11689, Suva, Fiji
Phone: (679) 3304 130, (679) 3313 764 | Email: registry@spx.com.fj                                                                        Copyright 2025. Central Share Registry Pte Limited 2025.