Resources > FAQ's

1. Why create an online account?
2. How can I create my online account?
3. Can I update my account details online?
4. Where can I find information on how much my investments are actually worth?
5. How can I update my online account information?
6. Facing difficulties logging in or accessing account information?
7. How long is my dividend/interest cheque valid for?
8. How do I check if I have any unpresented dividend/interest cheques?
9. Can I have dividends/interest payments credited to another person or entity’s bank account?
10. Can I transfer my dividend money to my managed Fund Account e.g. Unit Trust?
11. What does ‘Dividend-Reinvestment’ mean and what dividend-reinvestment options are available?
12. What happens to dividends I haven't received? (Unpresented cheques and unclaimed monies procedures)
13. My shareholding statement has been misplaced - what do I do?
14. What do I do if my dividend/interest cheque has been damaged, stolen or lost?
15. How do I get information about the company in which I have investments?
16. Where can I find an SPX listed entity Annual Reports or interim unaudited financial statements?
Displaying results 1-16 (of 22)
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